LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Barry Tomalin
35th Workshop Presenter

If you come to Japan in August from the UK, it's hot out here! You walk up and down the hill in the sun from the Institute to Odawara, listening to the cucurachas buzzing in the bushes. (Someone swore they saw a snake once but I think they were shooting a line!)

My memories as a visiting teacher on the seminar remain vivid and immensely enjoyable; meeting the immensely impressive Mr. Shibusawa, co-founder of LIOJ, as a way of increasing understanding among nations; the friendliness and patience of LIOJ staff with all these strange foreigners trying to find their way around the equipment and the stores; staring in wonder at the amazing choice of cold drinks in the automats-I still haven't found out what Pokari Sweat can do for you; but above all, the Japanese teachers themselves - quite serious, quite quiet at times but tremendously committed and responsible.

As part of the social programme there was a wonderful Noh theatre play, performed by an American; a real lesson in cultural transfer, and applauded by both Japanese and foreigners alike. I've always thought of a language classroom, at least for adults, as a real crucible for international and intercultural exchange. What goes on, at its best, is far deeper than language training. LIOJ achieved this and I'm delighted to celebrate its 35th anniversary.

April 2003

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