LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Alan Maley
35th Workshop Presenter

The LIOJ Experience

I long ago lost count of the number of years I have participated in the LIOJ Summer Seminar-but it must be at least fifteen times spread over the past eighteen years. In that time I have seen remarkable changes, and at the same time, remarkable continuity.

I still recall the first year I took part. It was so difficult to get any kind of response from some of the participants. They would take refuge in their shells like so many snails if I attempted to extract a response from them. That has changed vastly over this period. I now know that the Japanese teachers who attend will be raring to go from day one till the last evening. There has truly been a great change in attitudes and willingness to make the best use of the opportunities the Seminar offers.

On the other hand, the social atmosphere has always been remarkable for its harmony and cheerfulness. The socialising over meals (ever more excellent!), in coffee breaks, at evening functions such as the International Night, have continued to be especially enriching. I always think of LIOJ with affection as a good-humoured place. Groups rapidly settle down and take on their own character.

I count myself as especially privileged to have been able to teach morning classes in recent years. Much as I still enjoy the afternoon workshops, the morning class with the same smallish group over 5 days gives us all the chance to develop more deeply-rooted relationships. And the quality of the work is simply astounding at times. I remember the now legendary role play of an Urban Myth some years ago - in which one 'mature' male teacher performed a leap in the role of a kangaroo which has remained in the group memory ever since. In another morning class, I worked on the use of art pictures as input to language learning. The quality of the stories, poems, haiku which we developed together was truly moving.

And so it goes on. I see, in my mind's eye, another new group starting to gel as we look out from Castleview or Hakone or one of the other rooms I have worked in over the years. We form new friendships, discover each other's strengths, and our capacity for working together. I think of LIOJ as my summer family now.

April 2003

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