LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Toneko Kimura
Thirty-five years is a long time ago. Most of the teachers now at LIOJ were not even born. Yet it was at that time that Mr. Rowland Harker and a few others of us decided that what Japan needed were men and women who could go out into the world and speak for themselves. We would start a unique language school for such a purpose! We had just the right place for such a venture at the Asia Center in Odawara, and plenty of enthusiasm. Thus LIOJ was born.
Teaching a language was one thing; teaching the culture of the language was another. For example, I spent some time demonstrating how and when to shake hands. One businessman wrote me after graduation how he had appreciated my "course" on how to eat breakfast!
For some years I was the Director of Studies. I taught at the Institute until I left to get married, and changed my name from Kimura to Hirai. Watching Japanese delegates at international conferences on TV still having to use earphones and speak through interpreters, LIOJ has plenty or work to do.
May 2003
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