LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Sherri Arbogast
Eric and I came to Japan thinking we would stay for a year, but it turned into four! We spent one year in Gotemba, and the next three at LIOJ.
My experience at LIOJ was wonderful, because I was there during a period of time when the energy was consistently positive and dynamic. At lot of that had to do with my supervisor, Don Maybin. Working with Don was one of the most fun and creative periods of my career as a teacher. Don trained us in his lively teaching style, which included making fun video and audio productions (at least it was fun for us). Don also launched the Team Teaching Program in the local junior high schools during my tenure. I'm sure that program has come a long way since then, but it was fun (and sometimes crazy) being involved in the early stages. One thing I liked about being in the Community Program was that we could enjoy the benefit of participating in Business Program events, but we weren't obligated to join them, so it felt like the best of both worlds.
After Don left, I took over as supervisor of the Community Program. It was great job experience for me, but very hectic. I have vivid memories of being down in Itabashi on several occasions and looking up at that big white building on the hill. It would always give me a little perspective on what I was going through. I'd ponder, "Wow, I can't believe how much time I spend up there, and how much energy that job takes!" It was an all-absorbing, all-consuming job. But I loved what I was doing, and I loved the people I worked with, so it was worth it.
My time at LIOJ ultimately led to my current position as a publisher of ELT materials. One of my former colleagues, Barbara Hoskins, recommended me for an editorial position with her publisher at the time, Oxford University Press. They were looking for someone who had experience in teaching children in Japan. Fortunately for me, one of the managing directors from OUP remembered observing me team teaching during one of her visits to LIOJ, so she was willing to bring me out from California to New York for an interview. I've been in the publishing business ever since. Eric has also stayed in the field. He's the head teacher at a local community college, which has one of the largest ESL programs in our area.
June 2002
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