LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Laurie Tellis
(1990-94, 96)

My Top 10 Best Memories of LIOJ:

10. The view from the roof of Asia Center.

9. Downtown Odawara on a Saturday afternoon.

8. Hanging out in the lounge, getting to know participants outside of class.

7. The journal writing of my women's class.

6. Co-creating the St. Gerard simulation.

5. Seeing a "light bulb" go on over a student's head.

4. Being a nervous new teacher-until I realized the participants were more nervous than I was, and it was my job to put them at ease.

3. Learning from participants about everything from the importance of business cards to Japanese folklore to how tires and shampoo are made.

2. Working with a group of people from different parts of the world.

1. Working with a group of people who were really dedicated to the work they were doing, and to having fun while doing it.

I taught in the Business Communication Program from 1990 to 1994, the last two years as supervisor, then returned for about two months in 1996. It was my privilege to work with some great teachers, staff, and students.

May 2002

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