LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Chris Bowen

Thinking back to my arrival in Japan and my time at LIOJ brings back many memories I will surely always cherish. Having lived in Japan now for nearly fourteen years, it brings a smile when I recall how "green" I was when I first arrived, and how much I looked up to and learned from those who came before me. Belatedly, I would like to thank all of you who helped me those many years ago. I have no doubt that any successes I have had since would have been possible without the kindness and generosity of many of the former LIOJ teachers and staff.

The cocktail and graduation parties (featuring what must surely be my LIOJ legacy, the "Egg Toss"), daily meals with a heaping helping of Thai hot sauce, and countless nights spent "preparing for class" at John Festa with students and teachers are all important parts of my continuing saga called "the Japan experience." I am still in touch with several of the colorful characters I first met at LIOJ, and they have undoubtedly all helped to make my experience in Japan all the more richer.

I moved along into the university system after leaving LIOJ, and was fortunate to become a full-time professor. I married a Japanese woman three years ago, and we are planning to return in the Spring of 2004 to my home state of Wisconsin, where we will build a traditional Japanese home in the bluffs above the Mississippi River. I plan to spend my time trout fishing, gardening, and raising a family, all the while wearing my "RIOJ" T-shirt.

Best of luck to all, and to LIOJ.

May 2003

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