LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Lynn Bergschneider
I joined the Business Communication Program at LIOJ in the summer of 1991. I had just finished graduate school and this was my first job in my new career. The thing I remember most about LIOJ is how full of ideas and energy everyone was. I hadn't worked in a context in which so many people were so passionate about their work. People came from literally all over the world...Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Iceland, India, Morocco, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Thailand...but we all shared a similar desire to teach and a willingness to learn.
And I learned a lot. I learned from other teachers about teaching and about their cultures. I learned from my students about Japan, Japanese business and Japanese culture. I learned about global issues from the Japanese English teachers during the Summer Workshop (when I was supposed to be the "teacher"!). This focus on continuing to learn from those around me is what has kept me in teaching for over ten years now.
Since leaving LIOJ, I have worked in the US and the Middle East. I have worked in English for Academic Purposes for most of that time. Even though the context is a little different, I find that the approach to teaching at LIOJ-student centered and experiential-is one that I feel is the most effective and I choose schools where this approach is used or at least possible to incorporate.
I have also kept in touch with many good friends I taught with, or met through, LIOJ and now really consider them "family." When I am asked what my best teaching experience was, it is not hard to choose. For the combination of the good friends, enthusiastic atmosphere, opportunity to learn, and professional development, I would have to say LIOJ. I am happy to know that LIOJ is still providing this experience for other teachers now and will continue to do so in the future.
All the best for the future!
April 2002
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