LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Rosalie Kolesar

I began working at LIOJ in May 1991 for the residential Business Program under Don Maybin. It was my first EFL teaching job after completing my graduate degree at Penn State University. I had barely finished my Masters degree when I was on a plane heading for Odawara, a place I hadn't even heard of, to teach in a country where I didn't speak the language. Nonetheless, I embarked on what was to be a very memorable and life-shaping experience for me.

Working for LIOJ was wonderful because the staff was very helpful and spoke excellent English, and my colleagues who had arrived there before me helped reduce the culture shock I would go through after the "honeymoon" phase of my trip was over. At the time I was there, we had the option of living on site until we could find an apartment of our own which was a nice way to ease into the culture of both the job and the country. In addition, the staff also helped new employees set up things like a bank account and other daily needs.

Teaching the Japanese students was great because they were so eager to learn, polite, and hard working. As part of our program, we also had the opportunity to go on outings and do activities outside of the class, which helped create a bond and a level of trust between the students and the instructors that spilled over into the learning which took place in the classroom.

I also had many opportunities for professional development too. We had workshops and presented ideas we were using in the classroom. I especially remember working with a visiting Thai instructor and Don on a workshop that taught Thai through TPR. Afterwards on one of our vacations, I had the opportunity to practice what I had learned by bargaining at the markets in Chang Mai. We also created business simulations and were given the opportunity to learn Japanese through private tutors.

All in all, working for LIOJ was a great experience that led me to stay in Japan for nearly nine years. Japan is my second home and I feel that if I had not had such a positive experience with LIOJ, the faculty, staff, and the director, I may have left after a year and never experienced all the wonderful things I did in Japan. I only taught a year at LIOJ, but it was a great stepping stone to my career because of all of the diverse experiences I had there. I also still stay in contact with some of the people I've worked with and some of the students I have taught. I later went on to teach at Temple University Japan (TUJ) for my remaining eight years in Japan, and the residential program that I taught in at LIOJ helped me get a position as coordinator of the summer study abroad program. While in that capacity, I pulled on my experiences from LIOJ's program to help me shape and develop TUJ's summer program.

Since the time that I left Japan (December 1999), I have worked at numerous places always trying to seek out and replicate all the positive experiences I had in Japan. I can now honestly say that I have finally found that since I began working for Miami Dade Community College in Miami Florida. LIOJ was a new beginning for me. It was a crucial time for me because I was just starting my career and I was given an opportunity to learn and grow and offered support and encouragement.

January 2003

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