LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Chris Koelbleitner

I was at LIOJ from September 1999 to March 2001. LIOJ was my first teaching job in Japan. During that time, I participated in approximately ten high school intensives, one summer workshop, a few two-week business programs, and the ongoing community program. It was a good introduction to Japan, in so far as my students represented every age group and walk of life. I grew as a teacher during my time at LIOJ. LIOJ has a good resource library and extensive files of activities created by former LIOJ teachers. Some of the teachers, especially one or two who had started before me, were adept at putting together brilliant lesson plans in a very short time. What they taught me helped me survive LIOJ's often hectic schedule.

My experience at LIOJ allowed me to move into the world of university teaching. This was primarily due to the excellent connections I made with co-workers and former LIOJers. It is also due to the reputation of LIOJ, at least at Asia University where I currently work. Asia University requires prior university experience, but will also consider experience at one non-university institution: LIOJ. I believe this good reputation stems primarily from the summer workshop.

In my current position, I am given time and support to carry out research, publish, and develop professionally in many ways. There has also been ample time for me to begin learning Japanese, as well as pursue other areas of interest, such as photography, travel, and non-TEFL-related forms of writing. Having known only the world of the Canadian and Japanese eikaiwa, I had not dreamed that such working conditions would ever be available to me.

May 2003

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