LIOJ 35th Anniversary
Articles from Various Publications
1988.08.21 [Shukan ST -Japan Times-]
1988.08.21 [週刊ST]
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1994.07.01 [Local Initiatives Transform Japan -MIGM-]
1994.07.01 松下政経塾 [地域から日本を変える]
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1997.08.22 [Shukan ST -Japan Times-]
1997.08.22 [週刊ST]
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1997.09.01 [The Japan Times]
[ PDF format ]We have also included a sample of articles about LIOJ from the publications of various regional teaching associations. These articles help paint a picture of LIOJ activities and teachers over the years. Special thanks to JALT, Thailand TESOL, Korea TESOL, MELTA, and FEELTA for permission to reprint the articles from their publications.
JALT: The following three articles discuss LIOJ's involvement in starting the teacher training organization that eventually became JALT. (Please see also Bill Harshbarger's essay.) Thanks to Brad Visgatis, JALT Publications Board Chair, for permission to reproduce all the articles that first appeared in JALT publications.
#1 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Pendergast, T. (1978, Jan.). The JALT story. JALT Newsletter, Vol. III, No. 1, pp. 1-2.
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#2 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Robb, T. (1988, Jan.). JALT milestones. The Language Teacher, Vol. XII, No. 1, p. 5.
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#3 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Zeid, M. (1999, July). A brief history of JALT. The Language Teacher, Vol. 23, No. 7, p. 32.
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The next few articles from JALT publications feature information on LIOJ and its various programs.
#4 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Pehlke, R. (1978, Aug.). Profiles: LIOJ Language Institute of Japan. The Kanto Association of Language Teachers Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 4-5.
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#5 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Hayes, T. (1990, Aug.). Interview: Bob Ruud. The Language Teacher, Vol. XIV, No. 8, pp. 29-31.
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#6 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Kahny, J., Olivieri, D., & Maybin, D. (1992, Nov.). Six aspects of a successful team teaching program. The Language Teacher, Vol. XVI, No. 11, pp. 41, 43, 45.
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#7 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Kahny, J. (1993, June). LIOJ Thailand-Japan team teaching exchange. Team Teaching Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 13-14.
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#8 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Mukainakano, J. (1995, Dec.). Thailand-Japan team teaching. Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter, Issue #21, pp. 11-14.
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The following pages feature brief write-ups on JALT presentations given by LIOJ faculty members over the years.
#9 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Liang, W. (1980, May 1). Making & using unrehearsed tapes. JALT Newsletter, Vol. IV, No. 5, pp. 2-5. [on Ruth Sasaki]
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#10 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Hines, A. (1980, May 1). Silent way materials. JALT Newsletter, Vol. IV, No. 5, pp. 11-13. [on Kathleen Graves & Don Freeman]
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#11 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Walker, K. & Kimos, C. (1980, Sept. 1). Story squares. JALT Newsletter, Vol. IV, No. 9, pp. 7-8. [on Lance Knowles]
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#12 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
LoCastro, V. (1981, April 1). What is discourse analysis? JALT Newsletter, Vol. V, No. 4, pp. 6-8. [on Virginia LoCastro]
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#13 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
King, J. (1986, Dec.). Error correction in the EFL classroom. The Language Teacher, Vol. X, No. 14, p. 44. [on Steve Mierzejewski]
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#14 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
McCarty, S. (1987, April). Conversation management for lower level students. The Language Teacher, Vol. XI, No. 4, p. 7. [on Kevin McClure]
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#15 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Nachtsheim, S. (1988, Aug.). Open house at LIOJ. The Language Teacher, Vol. XII, No. 9, p. 54. [on Robert Ruud, Nobuhito Seto, Elizabeth King, Sherri Arbogast, Tammy Guy, Roger Davies, Eric Arbogast, Keith Hoy, Barbara Hoskins, Linda Damas, Norman Tyrrell, Eric Herbel]
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#16 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Nachtsheim, S. (1988, Oct.). Nonverbal communication: Messages without words. The Language Teacher, Vol. XII, No. 11, p. 68. [on Barbara Hoskins]
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#17 This article was first published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching:
Anderson, F. (1989, Feb.). Fourth annual golden seminar. The Language Teacher, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p. 55. [on Don Maybin]
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Thailand TESOL: Some of the Thai TESOL Scholars who have attended the Workshop over the last several years have written about their experience in the Thai TESOL Newsletter. Thanks to Sonthida Keyuravong, Thai TESOL Focus Editor, for permission to use these the articles from Thailand.
#18 Phon-eg-phan, W. (1992, Dec.). Two weeks in Japan. Thai TESOL Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 17.
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#19 Srisathian, S. (1993, Dec). What a great international summer workshop! Thai TESOL Newsletter, Vol. 6, No. 3, p.19-20.
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#20 Jitsopa, A. (1995, Oct.). Ten days in Japan. Thai TESOL Newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 17.
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#21 Yawai, C. (1998, Oct.). A fruitful experience from the 30th annual international summer workshop for teachers of English. Thai TESOL Newsletter, Vol.11, No. 3, p. 36-37.
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#22 Kanjanasoot, S. (1999, Dec.). Seven days in Japan. Thai TESOL Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 9-13.
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We have also borrowed the following article which appeared in the Thai TESOL Bulletin.
#23 Ruud, B. (1990, Mar.). Notional curriculum in an intensive course. Thai TESOL Bulletin, No. 1, p. 5-9.
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Korea TESOL: Thanks to Korea TESOL President Rob Dickey and two Workshop Scholars for permission to run these articles from KoTESOL's The English Connection.
#24 Yeom, J.S. (1999, Jan.). LIOJ international summer workshop for teachers of English. The English Connection, Vol. 3, Iss. 1, p.23.
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#25 Suh, O. (2002, Nov.). A Cross-cultural experience: A Korean teacher in Japan. The English Connection, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, p. 11.
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MELTA: From the pages of newsletter of the Malaysian English Language Teaching Association, we have two quick entries. Thanks to MELTA President, Malachi Edwin Vethamani for permission to reprint.
#26 (1999, Dec.). 31st international summer workshop for teachers of English, Japan. The MELTA Newsletter, Vol. 3, Iss. 2, p. 3.
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#27 Whatt, T. C. (2002, Dec.). Our guy @ the workshop: Mr. Tan Chai Whatt - Excerpts taken from his report to MELTA. MELTA Newsletter. p. 8.
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FEELTA: Thanks to Galina Lovsevitch, President of the Far Eastern English Teachers' Association, for allowing us to use these Workshop scholar write-ups.
#28 Reveko, G. (2001, autumn). The 33rd annual international summer workshop for teachers of English. FEELTA News, No. 14, pp. 3-5.
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#29 Somova, N. (2002, autumn). International summer workshop for teachers of English. FEELTA News, No. 18, p. 3.
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